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Ways to Reduce Anxiety


As shown in one of the previous posts in the video there was brief ways to assist in reducing Math Anxiety, but those few things work just as well for anxiety as well! For those who tend to struggle a bit with some things, that's perfectly fine and there are many ways for you to try and reduce that if you so please - though not every thing that is suggested down below will work for everyone. 

Tips to Heal - This is a guide with very common tips that tends to assist with those with anxiety. .These tend to help a large majority of people.

However for those not as comfortable doing any of the ones that require you to speak up or these fail to work for you, then you can always engage in personal matters. Turning anything that's out in public into a private matter. Rather than speak to a person right away, you can write things down until you feel like you could speak to someone. If you don't want to talk walks / run, do some light yoga indoors. Though some of the other options are already personal matters, not everyone likes to sit down and read, which is okay! Everyone has something that would calm them down and make it so they feel better, and can reduce their anxiety. You just have to find whatever helps you! 


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